Kursy Internationalisation Learning Cohorts



Join Internationalisation Learning Cohorts workshops, dedicated to Management of International Cooperation Offices, Rector’s Plenipotentiaries for International Cooperation, Vice-Rectors and Vice-Deans for International Cooperation and Faculty advisors.

Internationalisation Learning Cohorts is a new activity within British Council’s Going Global Partnerships, designed to support institutions and their employees to develop their knowledge and understanding of a variety of topics within Internationalisation.

Through a series of expert-led discussions, presentations and peer to peer networking, participants will have the opportunity to build knowledge around key frameworks, themes and trends within internationalisation and TNE. Additionally, case studies will provide the opportunity for participants to hear from their UK counterparts about their TNE operations and long-term objectives.

An International Learning Cohort will consist of four 2-hour sessions. Sessions will be hosted online on a weekly basis throughout February and March 2023: Monday 27 February, 6, 13 and 20 March 2023, 15:30 -17:30 CET, with some input required between sessions in the form of take-home tasks. Legacy sessions will also take place once the cohort has come to a close, allowing participants to continue to network with both their Cohort peers and the wider UK HE sectors.

We would like to invite you to take part in International Postgraduate Education. As the title suggests, this Cohort would be apt for participants who are looking to further explore common TNE models with a view to implementing these in their HEI. More detail can be found in the attached document(s). There is no cost associated with joining the sessions, however participation in all sessions is mandatory.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any further questions: Patrycja.Koelner@britishcouncil.pl.

If you would like to join our cohort, please register here: https://forms.office.com/e/tWZx7T0RMM

Join Internationalisation Learning Cohorts workshops, dedicated to Management of International Cooperation Offices, Rector’s Plenipotentiaries for International Cooperation, Vice-Rectors and Vice-Deans for International Cooperation and Faculty advisors.

Internationalisation Learning Cohorts is a new activity within British Council’s Going Global Partnerships, designed to support institutions and their employees to develop their knowledge and understanding of a variety of topics within Internationalisation.

Through a series of expert-led discussions, presentations and peer to peer networking, participants will have the opportunity to build knowledge around key frameworks, themes and trends within internationalisation and TNE. Additionally, case studies will provide the opportunity for participants to hear from their UK counterparts about their TNE operations and long-term objectives.

An International Learning Cohort will consist of four 2-hour sessions. Sessions will be hosted online 8-29 March (Wednesdays) 13:30 – 15:30, with some input required between sessions in the form of take-home tasks. Legacy sessions will also take place once the cohort has come to a close, allowing participants to continue to network with both their Cohort peers and the wider UK HE sectors.

We would like to invite you to take part in Understanding Transnational Education. As the title suggests, this Cohort would be apt for participants who are looking to further explore common TNE models with a view to implementing these in their HEI. More detail can be found in the attached document. There is no cost associated with joining the sessions, however participation in all sessions is mandatory.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any further questions: Patrycja.Koelner@britishcouncil.pl.

If you would like to join our cohort, please register here: https://forms.office.com/e/NgSdsVASSy 

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