The International Congress on Sustainable Development, Public Management and Territorial Governance


Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to participate in The International Congress on Sustainable Development, Public Management and Territorial Governance, to be held in May 2019, 28-31, at the Faculty of Applied Sciences, WSB University, Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland.

Early registration should be open until February 17, 2019.

The event is organized in cooperation:

  • WSB University, Poland
  • University of Extremadura, Spain
  • Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre, Portugal
  • University of Madeira, Portugal
  • FISAT.

The best works will be invited to be published - as a book chapter - by the prestigious publisher “Thomson Reuters”.

Selected papers, after positive reviews, will be published in Scientific Journals:

Regional Science Policy & Practice (ISSN 1757-7802)

Polish Journal of Management Studies (ISSN: 2081-7452)

Forum Scientiae Oeconomia (ISSN 2300-5947)

Foundations of Management (ISSN 2080-7279)

Cultural Management: Science and Education (ISSN: 2512-6962)

Revista Monfragüe Desarrollo Resiliente (ISSN 2340-5457)

The Organizers recommend also the possibility to submit the congress papers to the special issue - Sustainable Cross-Border Cooperation: Common Planning, Policies, Strategies, Methods and Activities (Editors: Joanna Kurowska-Pysz, Rui Alexandre Castanho, Luís Loures),
Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050)

This event will explore the ongoing dynamic, emerging issues and future challenges regarding territorial governance and public management as well as the other fields of research that may have an influence on sustainable development.

Contextually, several themes will be addressed, namely: Public Management; Territorial Governance and Strategies; Cross-Border Cooperation and Inter-Regional Cooperation; Inter- Organizational Cooperation; Sustainable Planning; Sustainable Development; Smart Cities; Biodiversity Policies and Strategies; Accessibility and Connectivity Transport Systems; Sustainable Tourism Management; Sustainable Culture Management; Renewables Energies; Circular and Green Economy; Environmental Rights and Legislation; Migratory fluxes - Strategies, Management and Planning.

The registration deadline is April 30, 2019.

If necessary, we could help participants in forming appropriate travel plans, transport, visas, etc.

Herebelow is the link to the Congress website:

I also enclose the 3rd call regarding this event.

In case of any questions please contact me.

Hope to see you in Poland!

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