Invitation Conference Quaere 2018 indexed in Scopus


Dear Academic Workers, Dear PhD students.

All PhD students and assistants are invited to the International scientific conference QUAERE 2018! Annual conference is organized by MAGNANIMITAS academic association. The conference is intended especially for PhD students and their supervisors and assistants from all European universities. The aim is to support the science, young researchers and create a place where all scientific results can be presented.

The Conference Proceedings is suggested to SCOPUS, which is a is the world’s largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature.

Details of Quaere2018

Venue: conference online system (by SCIEMCEE)

Date: 18-22.06.2018

The best papers written in English will be published in:

GRANT journal and

AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, ISSN 1804-7890 and indexed by Thomson Reuters.

A Web of Science Core Collection: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)

Do not hesitate to contact our conference secretary also

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