Invitation: 1- FYP & Postgraduate: Research & Innovation Poster Competition (RIPC), 2- Thesis in 5 Minutes (T5M)


Dear Academicians and Students,
We're pleased to invite you to the following virtual events:

(1) FYP & Postgraduate: Research & Innovation Poster Competition (RIPC), Series 2/2021
RIPC is a platform for students to present their final year projects and thesis (or dissertation) in any field of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, social sciences and humanities.

Any undergraduate and postgraduate students who are conducting a final year research project and thesis (or dissertation) from any university are eligible to participate.

For the postgraduate category, students who had completed the study maximum in 2 years are allowed to join. They must submit evidence of completion study from the university senate to verify the status.

The minimum member is 1 student (leader) plus 1 supervisor. The maximum number of members is four (including the leader & supervisor). RM50/USD15 is charged for one additional person. Allowed up to 6 members per team only.

(2) Thesis in 5 Minutes (T5M)
This is a great opportunity to effectively explain a student's research in a language appropriate to a non-specialist audience. Students will present their thesis/dissertation in five minutes by using a video. The presentation must be understandable to a general audience, not just to specialists in the student's area of research.

Any postgraduate students who are conducting a thesis (or dissertation) from any university are eligible to participate.

Students who had completed the study maximum in 2 years are allowed to join. They must submit evidence of completion study from the university senate to verify the status.

The minimum number of members is 1 student (the leader) & 1 supervisor. The maximum number of members is four (including the leader & supervisor). RM50/USD15 is charged for one additional person. Allowed up to 6 members per team only.

The Presentation must describe the student's research (with no literature reviews).

The deadlines for RIPC & T5M are as follow:
Abstract Registration: 13 August 2021
Payment & Video Submission: 20 August 2021
Full Paper Submission (Optional): 23 August 2021
Final Paper- Camera Ready (Optional): 13 September 2021

Publication Opportunity:
Open-access proceedings with eISBN.

Results Announcement:
RIPC - 28 August 2021
T5M - 4 September 2021

To learn more about RIPC & T5M, please refer to the posters.

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