International Winter School 2022


The Zagreb School of Economics and Management offers a International Winter School program in person this year.

The Winter School program (10th to 21st January) is a 2 week program, which offers courses in English taught by renowned lecturers and researchers.

The program combines lectures from professors with international experience, a day trip to Plitvice Lakes National Park, a one-day ski trip to Sljeme, company visits as well as great guest lecturers allowing students to network as well as experience the beautiful winter time in Zagreb, Croatia. This is a great chance to study, earn credits and experience Croatia in a unique light.

Students have the opportunity to choose among a range of creative and popular topics in business:
1. Communication during Crisis (5 ECTS)
2. Entrepreneurial Leadership (5 ECTS)
3. A.I. in Business (5 ECTS)
4. Skills for 21 st Century (5 ECTS)
5. Croatian studies (4 ECTS)
Additional free course

More information about the program, courses and deadline can be found here

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