IIPF Congress on Taxation and Mobility August 21-23, 2019 | Glasgow, Scotland


It is our pleasure to welcome you to the 75th Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF 2019), held at the University of Glasgow.

Glasgow was voted “The world’s friendliest city in the most beautiful country” *, and as Scotland’s largest city, is a metropolitan hub, offering a vibrant mix of cultural and social activities that will enhance your experience of the congress.

The congress theme is Taxation and Mobility. In line with this theme, the aim of the 2019 congress is to provide a venue for presenting and discussing cutting-edge research in public economics. As the IIPF Congress is one of the leading annual public economics event worldwide, we warmly welcome submissions in all areas of public economics.

In addition to plenary lectures by Rachel Griffith (University of Manchester and IFS), Nathaniel Hendren (Harvard University), Jonathan Portes (King's College London) and Stefanie Stantcheva (Harvard University), there will be numerous papers that address a wide range of policy-relevant public finance issues using state-of-the art methods. The programme will feature scholars from around the world and promises to be both stimulating and informative.

We look forward to seeing you in Glasgow and wish you all an enjoyable and productive congress!

Clemens Fuest

President, International Institute of Public Finance

President, ifo Institute – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich

Céline Azémar

Chair of the Local Organising Committee, IIPF 2019

Director of the Centre for Development Studies, Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow

Chairs of Scientific Committee

Bas Jacobs (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands)

Daniel Waldenström (Paris School of Economics, France and IFN, Sweden)

*Rough Guide readers survey 2017


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