Exchange Program to the United States now open for applications



Promoting academic exchanges between Poland and the United States has been the cornerstone of the Kosciuszko Foundation's mission ever since its establishment nearly

100 years ago. Therefore, it gives us great pleasure to announce that applications for research grants during the academic year 2022/2023 are now open!

The Exchange Program to the United States, enables Polish scholars to carry out research and artistic projects at accredited institutions of higher learning in the United States. The program helps researchers garner expertise, practical knowledge and skills they can bring back to Poland. Every year, we award approximately 40 scholars with grants and fellowships worth over 0,000.

You too can help us in our mission by spreading this message far and wide to your networks, friends, family members, co-workers and students who may be interested in conducting research in the US.

To learn more about the Kosciuszko Foundation scholarship programs, please visit our website at:

Contact information:

Applications deadline: November 15th, 2021.

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