“Doctoral Program in International Business Taxation” (DIBT)

We are proud to announce that the WU has a “Doctoral Program in International Business Taxation” (DIBT) that is going into its 8h year. This is a 3-year PhD program offered in English only, and it is open to outstanding students from all over the world who are interested in an excellent doctoral education preparing them for doing research in international business taxation.

The Doctoral Program provides high-quality interdisciplinary training for graduates in the field of international taxation, including and combining the disciplines of public finance, international tax law and cross border tax management. Although students will write their doctoral thesis in their own discipline (law, business, public finance, economic psychology), they will be exposed to intensive interdisciplinary discussions during their stay in Vienna. The opening of traditional tax training to other disciplines, such as economic psychology, history, political science, ethics and legal philosophy (always in the context of taxation), promotes a broadening of horizons and a more comprehensive approach to research questions. Best possible standards in both research and teaching are guaranteed by a faculty of renowned scholars, who have published in the most prominent journals of their respective research fields and have proven willingness and ability to do interdisciplinary research. The most distinguished professors in tax law, business administration and public finance are either on the faculty of this program or have agreed to teach courses, give workshops or to discuss research ideas and preliminary research results with the PhD students in Vienna. Students will be integrated into the research activities of the WU institutes dealing with taxation issues.

During the first year, students will be required to attend many comprehensive courses to provide the basic knowledge necessary for interdisciplinary working. The second and the third years will be dedicated to seminars in related fields, a research stay abroad, additional optional workshops, and especially to research on the thesis. Throughout the three years, a research seminar will supplement the students’ training.

We will admit a very limited number of students every year. For them the tuition fees will be completely waived. For a certain number of students we will even be able to provide funding for their three-year stay at WU in Vienna!

Please spread the word and help us to get applications from the best students from all over the world. Current applications will be accepted from November 1, 2017 to February 15, 2018 for the upcoming academic year 2018/19.

Please find more information attached or at www.wu.ac.at/dibt.

If you have questions, please contact us:

Prof. Dr. Eva Eberhartinger (eva.eberhartinger@wu.ac.at): International Tax Management

Prof. Dr. Erich Kirchler (erich.kirchler@wu.ac.at): Tax Psychology

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Lang (michael.lang@wu.ac.at): International Tax Law
Prof. Dr. Pasquale Pistone (pasquale.pistone@wu.ac.at): International Tax Law

Prof. Dr. Alexander Rust (alexander.rust@wu.ac.at): International Tax Law

Prof. Dr. Rupert Sausgruber (rupert.sausgruber@wu.ac.at): Public Finance

Prof. Dr. Josef Schuch (josef.schuch@wu.ac.at): International Tax Law

Prof. Dr. Caren Sureth-Sloane (caren.sureth@wu.ac.at): Taxation and Cross-Border Investment Decisions, Tax Accounting

Prof. Dr. Alfons Weichenrieder (alfons.weichenrieder@wu.ac.at): Public Economics

Prof. Dr. Martin Zagler (martin.zagler@wu.ac.at): Public Economics

Administrative Issues: dibt@wu.ac.at

Many thanks and kind regards,

Eva Eberhartinger/Michael Lang/Martin Zagler

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