Copernicus Graduate School Final Interdisciplinary Conference "Nation and Society"


Dear Sir or Madam,

on June 29-30, 2018 the Copernicus Graduate School ( organizes its Final Interdisciplinary Conference. The topic of the

conference is:

Nation and Society

The event will sum up the CGS project and will be an occasion to debate on development of European societies and their relation to the

issue of nation. It is addressed to PhD Students and scholars of humanities and social sciences.

The conference takes place at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (Poland) and is co-organized by German Historical Institute Warsaw,

University of Rostock (Germany) and Palacký University in Olomouc (Czech Republic).

We would like to invite you to the conference. Please find the further information in the attached file, containing the concept and content

of this international event, as well as the application form.

We are looking forward to your participation.

Application form CGS Final Conference

CfP CGS Final Conference

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