Conference Regional Development and Social Welfare: Problems and Solutions ”. Klaipeda University (Klaipeda, Lithuania) on the 19th of May 2017.


Faculty of Social Sciences at Klaipeda University has a pleasure and a privilege to invite you to the 12th annual International Scientific Conference. Conference topic: “Regional Development and Social Welfare: Problems and Solutions ”. The Conference will take place in Klaipeda University (Klaipeda, Lithuania) on the 19th of May 2017.

The event presentations and discussions will take part in different sections. Organizing committee plans to divide presentations and reports into 5 sections : Economics; Management; Politics and administration Sociology, Media and Communication studies; Social geography and regional development.

Registration form should be filled on-line till March 27, 2017.

All papers should be submitted to Jelena Bogatova ( till March 27, 2017. Requirements for the papers can be found here. The paper should come with a Peer-review by the expert in the field from your university and Author‘s guarantee form. Language of the conference: English. Duration of presentation: 15 min

95 EUR
For those who will not participate at the conference, but wish to publish their paper: 45 EURO per article. The fee covers the price of conference proceedings and social events. The conference proceedings will be published before the conference. Receipt of payment has to be paid before sending the final papers (till 14th of April, 2017).

For further information please visit website

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