Conference Invitation, Bulgaria 2020


Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to invite you to participate in conferences, part of International Scientific Events 2020, to be held in Flora Expo Center, Burgas on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast (EU).

Organized by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, Science & Education Foundation, and partners.

Agriculture & Food, 8th International Conference (17-21 June) Read more

Ecology & Safety, 29th International Conference (20-23 June) Read more

Materials, Methods & Technologies, 22nd International Conference (22-26 June) Read more

Economy & Business, 19th International Conference (20-24 August) Read more

Education, Research & Development, 11th International Conference (23-27 August) Read more

Language, Individual & Society, 14th International Conference (26-30 August) Read more

The papers presented will be published in open-access journals, part of International Scientific Publications.

Representatives of over 300 universities, institutes, laboratories and other organizations from 64 countries took part in the events in 2019.

We welcome your participation and look forward to welcoming you to the Burgas, Bulgaria.

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