„Big Data School 2022" organizowanej przez Kaunas University of Technology.


Szanowni studenci i pracownicy naukowi,

zachęcamy do zapoznania się z ofertą szkoły letniej „Big Data School 2022" organizowanej przez Kaunas University of Technology.
Szczegóły poniżej i w załączonej ulotce.

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Kaunas University of Technology) kindly invites you to participate in 3 days event „Big Data School 2022"in Kaunas on 28-30 of September, 2022.

KTU Big Data School is an international event focused on the development of knowledge and skills in the field of big data of scientists and experts from business. The event brings together the best specialists from all across Europe to share their experience with students, scientists and business professionals.

The event is concentrated towards deep theoretical background and improving skills during practical workshops.

The topics of this year are

Tensorflow and Deep Learning (lecturer dr. Michael Fairbank, University of Essex, UK);

Forecasting with Millions of News Articles as Data: The Methodology Behind Conflict forecast.org (lecturer assoc. prof. dr. Hannes Mualler, Barcelona School of Economics (BSE), Spain);

High-Dimensional Macroeconometric Time Series Models: Big Data and Machine Learning (lecturer assoc. prof. dr. Christian Brownlees, Economics and Business at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain);

Each lecture will be supplemented with hands-on sessions guided by the lecturers and will help to increase the understanding of each topic.

Registration fees:

From May 20th to July 15th: fee 350 euros;

From July 16th to August 15th: fee 450 euros;

From August 16th to September 15th: fee 500 euros

To register please visit our website https://bigdataschool.ktu.edu/

In case of any questions, please contact us by email bigdata.school@ktu.lt


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