Aktualne inicjatywy Baltic University Programme


Zachęcamy do skorzystania z możliwości nawiązania współpracy w ramach Baltic University Programme. Poniżej znajdują się informacje o bieżących inicjatywach

The BUP Symposium

The BUP Symposium is an event where colleagues at BUP participating universities can disseminate recent research, initiate new discussions, and foster future collaborations. The theme is 'Strengthening the Security and Resilience of the Baltic Sea Region – Environmental, Political, Social, and Economic Shocks and Crises', and the Symposium will be held on-site in Uppsala, Sweden, between 26-28 November 2025. The last day to submit an abstract is 16 May 2025. Read more about the BUP Symposium on our website.

Three-day solutions hacking event ‘Blue Horizon’

Estonian Business School (EBS) invites colleagues to participate in ‘Blue Horizon’, a three-day solutions hacking event dedicated to developing future solutions for the blue economy. This event is a part of the Estonian BUP Presidency, and the BUP will cover the participation fee for up to 25 colleagues from BUP participating universities. The deadline to apply is 31 March 2025. Read more about ‘Blue Horizon’ on our website.

The BUP Mobility Grant

The aim of the grant is to develop and strengthen cooperation among young researchers in the Baltic Sea Region, at BUP participating universities, by covering travel and accommodation for a research project. The awarded maximum is a total value of 3000 Euros. The last application day is 30 April 2025. Read more about the BUP Mobility Grant on our website.

The BUP PhD Award

This award is a distinction given to the authors of what is judged to be the most qualified PhD work defended at any of the BUP participating universities. The winners will receive a prize in the form of a diploma and support of up to 1000€ for either attending a scientific conference or publishing in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. The nomination deadline is 25 May 2025. Read more about the BUP PhD Award on our website.

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