5th LIMEN International Scientific Conference


Dear colleague,

With great pleasure we would like to invite you to take part at the 5th LIMEN International Scientific Conference on Leadership, Innovation, Management and Economics which will be held in Graz (Austria) at the Graz University of Technology on December 12, 2019. Abstract submission deadline is November 21, 2019 and full papers are due for submission after the conference day (December 30, 2019).

At this year's conference publication opportunities are numerous: partner monograph for book chapters, partner journals, special issue of the conference proceedings, etc. Also, authors are not obliged to be present at the conference venue and present the paper; there is a 20% peer reviewers discount...

More information you may find at our conference website. Details about publication opportunities are given at the page Propositions & Guidelines.

We are looking forward to hear from you soon.

Kind regards,
LIMEN Organizational Committee

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