3. edycja konkursu Warsaw Econometric Challenge


On April 22nd enthusiasts of quantitative methods will be able to test their skills in our online competition.

The competition is dedicated to undergraduate and graduate students and involves writing a research paper within 24 hours in groups of up to four people, analysing a real business problem indicated by the organisers. Its aim is to broaden knowledge and skills in the application of quantitative methods, with particular emphasis on econometric methods.

All graduate and undergraduate students of each and every academic institution (universities, economic universities, business schools, universities of technology, etc.) can participate in the contest provided the institution is located in a country in favour of adopting the United Nations General Assembly Resolution ES-11/4.

The goal of the contest is to prepare a scientific paper on the subject described by the organizers based on the supplied dataset (data can be extended by teams). All quantitative methods are allowed! The contest paper must be prepared by teams of max 4 students. We allow intercollegiate teams.

The contest will take place remotely. It will start on Saturday, April 22nd, 2023 when participants will learn about the contest problem and supplied data description. The registration closes on April 16th at 23:59.

Certificates and prizes (in a form of non-returnable scholarships) will be provided. All participants who will submit a paper will be awarded with a certificate.

Each member of the winning team (1st place) will be awarded with PLN 4500, each member of the team getting the 2nd place will be awarded with PLN 3000, each member of the team getting the 3rd place will be awarded with PLN 2000, and each member of the team getting a honourable mentioned will be awarded with PLN 1000.

Details are available on the website: https://wec.wne.uw.edu.pl/

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