Sustainable Development
The research on the sustainable development issue is conducted at WEiF under tutelage of dr hab. Dariusz Kiełczewski. As opposed to the conventional approach stating that sustainable development is a macroeconomic concept of economic development, implementation of which requires appropriate national policy as well as appropriate awareness and behaviour of the entrepreneurs and consumers, Kiełczewski captures these issues in the microeconomic perspective. He has consistently developed this notion in various publications starting from the treatise “Consumption versus Prospects for Sustainable Development", through articles published in leading Polish magazines, finishing at collective monograph “Consumer Competence. Innovative Behaviours. Sustainable Consumption" which summarises the research conducted within the National Science Centre grant (research in 2012-2014, publication published by POWE in 2015). The continuation of the School is the research of dr Tomasz Poskrobko and Anna Matel, MA capturing described previously issue in the behavioural perspective - rating the chances of “sustainable behaviours” - thus taking into account cognitive and heuristics limitations typical for the average consumer and entrepreneur. Therefore, propositions reducing these limitations are an integral part of the research. Among the achievements connected with implementation of this school conducted in 2013-2016, we should mention organising the conference. “Economics and Policy of Sustainable Development. Theory and Statistical Approach” organised in co-operation with Statistical Office in Bialystok. Nowadays, the conference is continued by the Office, which is in accordance with the idea of connecting scientific work with practical and empirical analysis of behaviour in the sphere of economics postulated by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.