Fiscal Governance

Research-fiscal Fiscal Governance in Poland and in the World

Establishing the research team under the tutelage of dr hab. Ryta Dziemianowicz, prof. UwB on the subject of fiscal governance in Poland and in the world and the results of this team's work. The scientists working within this team conduct unique research dedicated to the issue of fiscal discipline, specialising in the area of transparency of tax expenditures. The research is funded by the National Science Centre within the research project OPUS ("Tax Expenditures as a Tool of Transparent Fiscal Policy - Definition, Estimation and Evaluation"), PRELUDIUM ("Tax Expenditures as a Form of Public Support for Enterprises in Poland") and ETIUDA as a part of which, Renata Budlewska, MA has received an annual scholarship and six-month-long scientific internship in Queensland University of Technology (under the tutelage of prof. Kerrie Sadiq, leading researcher in the world on tax expenditures). The results of the research have been recognized both nationally and internationally due to being popularized, among others, in the form of scientific monograph ("Tax Expenditures as a Tool of Transparent Fiscal Policy - Definition, Estimation and Evaluation", pub. CeDeWu, Warsaw 2015), scientific articles published in prestigious magazines and by giving speeches at international conferences – among others – in Great Britain, Japan, Italy and Thailand. The scientists co-operating with different research centres, (among others , participate in internship abroad (University of Oxford, Vienna University of Economics and Business), abroad training (among others,  in the European Commission), are members of international associations (among others, International Institute of Public Finance) and are appointed as experts by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.

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