Summer schools

International Summer School: Finance for Five

The Faculty of Economics and Finance of the University of Białystok plans to launch another edition of the Summer School "Finance for Five" in 2025.

Flagship initiative of the Faculty of Economics and Finance

As part of the project, following the previous edition, we intend to launch the International Summer School "Finance for Five". As part of the School, students will carry out an intensive series of classes in English in five areas: international finance, EU finance, public finance, local finance and corporate finance. We intend to invite excellent lecturers from foreign universities - partners of WEiF, including: College of Business Administration Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal (Portugal), Department of Economics and Finance, Aldo Moro University in Bari (Italy), Department of International Economic Analysis and Finance, Ivan Franko National University in Lviv; (Ukraine) to conduct classes as part of the School.

Personal contact:

Vice-Dean for Institutional and International Cooperation

Katarzyna Wierzbicka, PhD


The 1st edition of the Summer School took place on September 9-20, 2019.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2nd edition scheduled for September 2020 was canceled. 

More about 1st edition at:

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