Negotiation Modeling and Support |
In 2013-2016, scientific research on “Negotiation Modelling and Support” was carried out at the Faculty. An integral part of this research was a research project funded by NSC entitled: “Support and Modelling of Poorly Structured Negotiation Problems" ran in 2012-2016 under the tutelage of dr hab. Ewa Roszkowska, prof. UwB. Scientists with great international achievements in the theory of negotiation and decision-making were invited to participate in the implementation of research tasks within the grant. They were: prof. Gregory Kirsten (Concordia University, Montreal), prof. Tom Burns (Stanford University, California), prof. Nora Machado (Lisbon University Institute, Portugal), prof. Marek Szopa (University of Silesia), dr hab. Jerzy Michnik (University of Economics in Katowice) and dr Dorota Górecka (The Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń). One of the main results of the project is an international co-operation with InterNeg (Concordia University in Canada) and InterNeg Research Centre in Montreal - leading research and development unit engaged in analyse and support of electronic international negotiations. The co-operation covered the co-participation in organisation, the involvement of students from both our Faculty and the Club of Experimental Economics in international experimental research on the effectiveness of electronic negotiations. The co-operation involved as well joint scientific publications and presentations at national and international conferences devoted to presenting the results of experiments. Since 2014, dr hab. Ewa Roszkowska has been in the Program Committee of a prestigious international conference - Group Decision and Negotiation and since 2015, she has also been an assistant editor of the “Group Decision and Negotiations” magazine indexed on the JCR list.